
Online Booking
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Visit Type

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The comprehensive eye examination is a thorough assessment of your entire eye and visual system, offering far more than just a prescription for glasses. In addition to determining your refractive error, this comprehensive exam includes advanced diagnostic procedures such as Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) scans to screen for a wide range of eye diseases and disorders.

The Eye Emergency Evaluation is for individuals experiencing urgent eye issues or injuries. If you are encountering a foreign object in the eye, redness, infection, flashes of light, floaters or black spots, pressure or pain, sudden loss of sight, or any other ocular crisis, we always strive to accommodate same-day appointments whenever possible.


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Your personal information will be used only for purposes of booking your appointment, and communicating services related to your appointment including: reminding you of your appointment, cancellations, and providing you with information products or services that you request from us.

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HARINA® & HARINA Optométristes® are registered trademarks of Harina Thyriar Inc., registered in Canada and other countries.
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